Thursday, February 14, 2013

Editorial Seattle Mayor McGinn right to ground drones

  • Jewish Comment - Wednesday 13th February, 2013

    Contributed by : Carol Gould Putting gay marriage and abortion aside, the dilemma Americans have is that a successful businessman is pitted against an incumbent who has not made the 2008 dream ...

  • Editorial State of our union Slowly improving

    Star Tribune - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio applaud during the president's State of the Union ...

  • Letters Popes Resignation Aging In A Lifetime Appointment

    NPR - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    Copyright ? 2013 NPR. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required. MELISSA BLOCK, HOST: And finally this hour, one letter and two ...

  • Editorial Seattle Mayor McGinn right to ground drones

    The Seattle Times - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    SEATTLE Mayor Mike McGinn?s abrupt decision to halt the Seattle Police Department?s plan to deploy aerial drones will send the two vehicles back to the vendor. McGinn made a wholly ...

  • U.S. Becoming More Flexible on Missile Defense

    Moscow Times - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    The Associated Press reported on Saturday that the U.S. Government Accountability Office, or GAO, sent a "secret briefing" to Congress. The GAO report cited a study by the U.S. Department ...

  • An asteroid could smack us

    Star Tribune - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    On Feb. 15, an asteroid designated 2012 DA14 will pass safely within about 17,200 miles of Earth's surface -- closer than the communication satellites that will be broadcasting the news of its ...

  • Olympic wrestling Tradition and ideals take a fall

    Star Tribune - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    It's hard to imagine a sport that embodies the Olympic ideal more than wrestling. Uniquely combining strength and grace, wrestling requires years of dedication with little hope of fame or ...

  • The Arc Of A Pope Completed

    Star Tribune - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    Pope Benedict's resignation shouldn't have surprised us as much as it did. As an institutionalist who believes in the Roman Catholic Church as the carrier of truth in a sinful world, he ...

  • Talent trained here shouldnt be sent packing

    Star Tribune - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    Since our state's earliest days, immigration has kept Minnesota strong and competitive. From our Scandinavian and German roots, to our Slovenians and Croatians and Serbs on the Iron Range, to ...

  • Yves Rocher Has Got Rouge on Its Face

    Moscow Times - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    Alexei Navalny , has come under unprecedented pressure as the Investigative Committee opens one criminal case after another against him. Among them is a rather important case concerning Yves ...

  • Press regulation from Beaverbrook to Blackadder | Editorial

    Guardian - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    press regulation ought in theory to break out in sweat at the thought of ministers of the day - not even parliament -- meddling in how the press is run. So we need first to consider how we got here, ...

  • Are immunizations harmful Search carefully for answers

    Deseret News - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    Holly Ann Haley, 4, gets vaccinations at the doctor's office in Berlin, Vt. Vermont continues to be embroiled in a debate over ending the philosophical exemption that allows parents to have ...

  • Editorial Daytons good idea the Unsession

    Pioneer Press - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    The odds against it happening aside, Gov. Mark Dayton's idea for an "Unsession" is a good one. If Dayton has his way on this, such a legislative session would be called to order ...

  • Barclays he says he gets it | Editorial

    Guardian - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    Barclays is changing," was the message. And about time too, say the rest of us, while still counting the spoons. After the scandals of PPI mis-selling, the Libor rate interest rate scam ...

  • What Is It About Emily

    NPR - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    YouTube What is it about Emily? She's so happily, totally into dead things. She's got this T-shirt that says "Everything Is Dead"; she's the host of a video series on ...

  • My view Lets focus on the state of our debt

    Deseret News - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    I am hopeful that President Obama not only addresses the debt, but that he lays out a clear plan for sustainable debt and deficit reduction that encompasses shared sacrifice and works for the good ...

  • Obamas expensive mistake Electric cars

    Star Tribune - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    The Obama administration's electric-car fantasy finally may have died on the road between Newark, Del., and Milford, Conn. The New York Times' John M. Broder reported Friday that the ...

  • What others say Perverse formula of college rankings

    Deseret News - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    A quick way for schools to climb in the U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges rankings is to attract more applicants, enroll fewer of them and consistently show higher scores on the SAT. ...

  • Letters Work week clean air

    Deseret News - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    The state work week law has resulted in approximately 14,250 metric tons of increased carbon emissions since it went into effect in September ...

  • Dont blame SP we all had a hand in the economic collapse

    Deseret News - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    The Obama administration's suit against the rating agency Standard & Poor's makes for riveting headlines and lousy history. We want to blame the financial crisis and Great Recession on ...

  • Letters Aid bill accountability

    Deseret News - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    It is comforting to know that aid is finally coming to those who have been victims of Superstorm Sandy in late October. I am sure that the $50.5 billion aid will be most appreciated by those who are ...

  • Love is the saga of longing

    Times of India - Tuesday 12th February, 2013

    Everybody wants to be in love. It could be with a person or some aspect of life that one is passionate about. The only requirement is total engagement of the heart. Worldly love is something ...

  • Source:

    adam levine mumford and sons miranda lambert prince Alabama Shakes jessica biel Lena Dunham

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